Author Archives: admin

PROPOSALS To accomplish the FineDay mission, we invite proposals for how to protect free-will individual sovereignty, while assuring prosperity for all who live on planet Earth

Interactive graphics and animation for Feature Films, Television and Websites Starting in 1993 from a studio on Main Street in Santa Monica. California, MSM began creating and programming 2D and 3D graphics to be featured in scenes where characters were shown interacting with computer or video screens operated off camera by our crew. FEATURES TELEVISION Bones (200 The Orville  (2017 to 2022) Reel by our lead 3D animator. WEBSITES FineDay Academy (Our current Project) Sneak Peak. Credits of our lead webmaster

Look for my Japanese lessons, when the FineDay Language department opens. In the meantime, here’s my latest (2022) demo reel. I hope you enjoy it. – Kim

This is a blank place holder to be replaced eventually with content about some group

This is a blank place holder to be replaced eventually with content about some group
