IN THE BEGINNING Part 1 • Supreme Consciousness

IN THE BEGINNING Part 1 • Supreme Consciousness


IN THE BEGINNING Part 1 • Supreme Consciousness

Some alien contactees describe an alien belief in a supreme consciousness at the core of all that is. Elena Danaan says some members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds call it Source. Alex Collier says Andromedans call it Is-ness.

Aspects of the Source / Is-ness concept resemble a physics theory of reality that has been described as coming closest to explaining the existence of a supreme consciousness that many would call God.

The theory says that we are all individual units of a greater consciousness having experiences in a virtual reality in a way similar to how video game players take on avatars to have experiences in virtual worlds.

The Virtual Reality Simulation theory is based on evidence that we as players, as well as the mechanism rendering our reality and our avatars are all completely comprised of consciousness. As the Hindus say, it’s all Maya, illusion. Others call it the matrix.

The VR simulation concept as a formal physics theory was developed by NASA physicist Tom Campbell. It developed from his consciousness work helping to create the Monroe Institute and his examination of quantum physics (“quantum mechanics”) experiments.

To understand Campbell’s theory, it’s helpful to understand physics history.

In the 1800’s physicist Thomas Young showed that light had a wave property, since it created an interference pattern like waves in water, when it went through two slits in a barrier.

Water wave interference pattern:

Light interference pattern:

In the early 20th century, Einstein explained that light is comprised of particles called photons. So it was assumed that the photons were colliding with each other after going through the slits to somehow create the interference pattern (also known as a wave or fringe pattern), which gave the illusion that light was a wave.

To test that theory, physicists experimented with firing one photon at a time at the slits. They expected to see a particle pattern on the screen.


However, they were very surprised to find that the experiment still resulted in an interference pattern.

To try to understand what was happening, they added detectors that could measure which path (slit) the photons were taking at what time. And the light then registered on the screen with a particle pattern.

But when they removed the detectors, the light went back to a wave interference pattern!

When light acted as a wave, the location where individual photons would hit the screen could only be calculated as a probability.

But photons as particles acted more like physical objects. As the physicists put it, measuring, focusing, looking at the “which path” information “collapsed the wave function.”

Some skeptics said it couldn’t merely be the conscious observation that’s collapsing the wave function, so the detectors themselves must somehow be causing the transition to physical object behavior.

But the skeptics were proven wrong by a brilliant replicated quantum experiment, which is discussed in part 3 of this series.

Over the years, the same transition from wave behavior to physical behavior was found with many different types of sub-atomic particles, some as large as molecules made up of 60 carbon atoms.

The fact that human focus / attention on a sub-atomic particle appears to move it from the realm of probabilities to physical reality has led some of the greatest physicists to conclude that consciousness is at the core of our reality.

Physicist quotes

The great physics pioneer and Nobel winner, Max Planck said in 1944 “As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”


The great 1963 Nobel Prize winning physicist, Eugene P. Wigner said, “…it will remain remarkable, in whatever way our future concepts may develop, that the very study of the external world led to the conclusion that the content of the consciousness is an ultimate reality.”